The best place to store tote bags is in your car. That way, when you go to Whole Paycheck, or other trendy food stores, to buy that Peruvian Butterfly Spit that will cause you to lose 10 pounds by Friday, you can proudly toss your pile of totes into the bagging area for the bored teenager to fill haphazardly. On your way out you can compare your totes with other shoppers in competition for the coolest, most exotic tote of the day.

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I have a few in my truck, PLUS the Aldi's one I purchased, which is actually the most useful. I love Aldi's. I could live at Aldi's.

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We have an Aldi walking distance from the house, but we never go there. It has the ambiance of a bus station or a Dollar Store. The deal-breaker, though, is that they don't carry any coffee. That's the base of the food pyramid, and what ensures the continuation of life in our household.

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Dear Mr. Geek, Bustelo brand coffee is packaged in a yellow brick on the middle shelf of the first aisle, left-hand side, three feet before the end cap at Aldi. So I've been told.

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"so I've been told" Dying. I love Aldi's for the fresh vacuum sealed salmon and also DID YOU KNOW THEIR CHOCOLATE IS JUST REBRANDED CADBURY????

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What a great piece and great idea for a piece!

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I just re-up'ed TNY and I don't think they're sending me another tote bag. I'm actually a little pissed LOL

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If it helps, my husband is a regular donor to Medecins Sans Frontiers (sounds so much cooler than Doctors Without Borders) but they have yet to send him a tote bag. Sacre bleu.

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If it makes you feel any better, it's a really flimsy bag LOLOL

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Absolutely hilarious and spot on. I have many of those bags, including the pretentious Drs without borders. I do love having them in my trunk and always being ready for groceries. No more plastic bags. EVER.

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BWAHA!!! OMG, you inspired me to do a similar post. My sister and I collect tote bags like people collect Taylor Swift friendship bracelets. I keep them in my car to use at farmer's markets and Whole Paycheck and Sprouts (who now charge you for using their bags? Apparently, it's not enough that you're shopping there and are already paying for your groceries).

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I had to buy an Aldi bag, but it’s a great bag. It’s weird how I have favorite tote bags, and then others I treat like trash 😂

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There are certain ones that I use quite a bit, so I'm not sure why I keep the other ones. Maybe as a 'just in case' kind of thing.

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Yeah, you never know.

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Well, now my wife's tote bags become *my* sewing projects. I refasten the handles on the reg. It's a good thing I love her.

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My favorite tote bag says, "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you" proving that I am pretentious, literary, and cheating on my husband with a fictitious man

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And that i summer on Nantucket.

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Relatable, funny story. If you become a premium member at Barnes and Noble, you get a tote bag each year, a free tote bag only costs a $39 annual fee. I save so much on books and shipping so it’s worth it to me. The tote bags are nice!

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"...if I bring home one more souvenir T-shirt I’m going to have to rent a storage unit."

If only you had a place to store your T-shirts? Bags, maybe. Bags you could tote : )

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I have two hundred logo-shirts myself, not to brag. Oh, the size/queen reference on the New Yorker one was good. Logo-cap tip Bev.

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I've got a few (hundred) shirts too LOL

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And the one in Dutch at the top? Just curious

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It seems to be something like that, but I feel like you'd be the person to ask ? LOL

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My biggest gripe about a lot of modern totes is they make the straps too short, and they get cheap on the stitching. Even if you aren’t a fan if the mag, that NY bag looks sturdy

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The NY bag is BIG and thick. It also REEKS of chemicals LOL so, that's a problem.

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I too have a ridiculous collection of tote bags — they seem to be multiplying on their own. That doesn't at all mean I don't envy the one you have from Shakespeare & Co. Although my niece did bring me one from Anne' Patchett's very own bookstore, so nyah nyah nyah. Unless you have one of those too, in which case, huh.

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