You nailed it! Every day a new headline can be found that refutes the “study” from the week before. Very few things are breakthroughs. Data depends on inputs and, even more importantly, who does the inputting and how much $$ will be made as a result. I ask myself..Will eating or doing this shorten my life by even one day? If the answer is no…I enjoy it. Moderation in eating those eggs is the key. You can find a study that is pro and con on every subject. 20 eggs a day isn’t moderation. Great piece.
I was looking into neurodivergence to explain all my problems (because it explains a lot of them) and ended up with an ADHD and autism diagnosis from a so-called professional. I do have ADHD because my executive function sucks, but the more I think about autism the more I realize what I actually "have" is giftedness, which I've had since childhood. The definition of giftedness is kids who score high on IQ tests, then spend their lives feeling like failures for not living up to their potentials. (Some gifted people don't turn out this way, but there are plenty of us). I think there have always been far more autistic people than we realize because my research has shown that the prevailing belief until about 15 years ago was "girls don't have autism" but it turns out we do! That's half the damn population!! (And BIPOC people never got diagnosed, either). Anyway, I'm glad the term "neurodivergence" came along but it's only a construct. And in my case, I don't have most of the classic autistic traits like poor eye contact and trouble reading social cues--I'm just so hypervigilant all the time people scare the hell out of me.
Your friend would be spending about $20/day on eggs now.
I've always known that about science, that it is never final. So I guess that explains my bewilderment when I hear people complain that science is not this unchanging font of ultimate wisdom. That's what God is for. But then over the course of human history our conception of God has changed a lot.
We saw this on full display during the pandemic, with one of my Medium buddies calling Fauci a "flip-floping fool." I tried to explain how science works but he was having non of it, so impressed was he at his own cleverness.
Then when it emerged, over time, that the effectiveness of the vaccines was lower that their efficacy, their was a whole new freak-out because no one seemed to know the difference between efficacy and effectiveness. I was like, "how come I know the difference?" Maybe because I was listening to actual scientists as opposed to randos on YouTube?
The difference between efficacy and effectiveness, explained:
I mean, people have a 5th grade reading level (including my boss) and they're bombarded with information they physically cannot understand. I'm just upset because of all the eggs I've passed up over the years.
I'm waiting for it to emerge that smoking is good for you. I've considered taking up smoking again, I mean, I don't have enough years left to develop cancer from it, but my wife would hate it and it is deucedly expensive nowadays.
In the future we will learn that all the nutritional value in eggs is in the shell. What fools we've been to throw them away.
I told my boss yesterday he should be eating his banana peel and he didn't believe me.
And we should be eating the entire chicken. The beak is rich is fiber.
You nailed it! Every day a new headline can be found that refutes the “study” from the week before. Very few things are breakthroughs. Data depends on inputs and, even more importantly, who does the inputting and how much $$ will be made as a result. I ask myself..Will eating or doing this shorten my life by even one day? If the answer is no…I enjoy it. Moderation in eating those eggs is the key. You can find a study that is pro and con on every subject. 20 eggs a day isn’t moderation. Great piece.
Thank you! Can you imagine, 20 eggs? omg. I'm a big believer in the magic of oatmeal.
I don't know what I admire more: your writing, or your unique ability to use pull quotes in an engaging manner.
Thank you! Pull quotes are such an internet-y thing, I can't say I'm a fan. But what can you do.
I was looking into neurodivergence to explain all my problems (because it explains a lot of them) and ended up with an ADHD and autism diagnosis from a so-called professional. I do have ADHD because my executive function sucks, but the more I think about autism the more I realize what I actually "have" is giftedness, which I've had since childhood. The definition of giftedness is kids who score high on IQ tests, then spend their lives feeling like failures for not living up to their potentials. (Some gifted people don't turn out this way, but there are plenty of us). I think there have always been far more autistic people than we realize because my research has shown that the prevailing belief until about 15 years ago was "girls don't have autism" but it turns out we do! That's half the damn population!! (And BIPOC people never got diagnosed, either). Anyway, I'm glad the term "neurodivergence" came along but it's only a construct. And in my case, I don't have most of the classic autistic traits like poor eye contact and trouble reading social cues--I'm just so hypervigilant all the time people scare the hell out of me.
I feel a lot of this too - Phi Beta Kappa, and yet, a complete slacker. i HATE making eye contact, loathe.
Your friend would be spending about $20/day on eggs now.
I've always known that about science, that it is never final. So I guess that explains my bewilderment when I hear people complain that science is not this unchanging font of ultimate wisdom. That's what God is for. But then over the course of human history our conception of God has changed a lot.
We saw this on full display during the pandemic, with one of my Medium buddies calling Fauci a "flip-floping fool." I tried to explain how science works but he was having non of it, so impressed was he at his own cleverness.
Then when it emerged, over time, that the effectiveness of the vaccines was lower that their efficacy, their was a whole new freak-out because no one seemed to know the difference between efficacy and effectiveness. I was like, "how come I know the difference?" Maybe because I was listening to actual scientists as opposed to randos on YouTube?
The difference between efficacy and effectiveness, explained:
I mean, people have a 5th grade reading level (including my boss) and they're bombarded with information they physically cannot understand. I'm just upset because of all the eggs I've passed up over the years.
I'm waiting for it to emerge that smoking is good for you. I've considered taking up smoking again, I mean, I don't have enough years left to develop cancer from it, but my wife would hate it and it is deucedly expensive nowadays.
unless of course it saves your life...
as it has mine five times.