Silver lining to your story: the judge saw that you have great taste in TP. You know how judgmental judges are, so thank gods you weren't carrying an off-brand. By now its all over town that you only wipe your ass with primo paper.

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This is why it's difficult to find someone else to work for--they all think they can't afford me, and this just proves it LOL

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I prefer the 3 piece perforated per sheet Brawny brand, when available, the brand with the LL Bean midwest look character that looks like he's looking for a tree to chop down, only because I'm so incredibly concerned about conserving dead trees while they last, or recycled wood chips, whatever.

Yeah, we need more stores that check out like those magical Amazon stores with no checkout, that is, no more chit chat at checkout, including waiting for some holdouts still crafting designer checks at the registers, and If that's not a stress agent, what is?!

So yeah, no to never hassle shopping is needed right up until the inevitable apocalypse.

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omg, the checks THE CHECKS If you're not clearly 80 years old or older, you should not be writing a check at the store.

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Since 2020 Bounty has become the new currency. I've become a compulsive hoarder, grabbing a bale (what a great description!) every time Costco knocks a nickel off the price. Regarding meeting people, it becomes even worse as you get older. Mentally saying "Who the hell are you?", you try to be cordial. Then you struggle to maintain some sort of conversation, while riffling through your internal Rolodex trying to figure out who you're talking to.

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LOL omg yes, the desperate mental search, the panicked flicking of the eyes up and down looking for SOME CLUE

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Hilarious. Made my day!!!

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...unless you were going all the way. *chef's kiss* on the Apocalypse Now quote. Perhaps my favorite movie.

So many gems in this piece, but my favorite is that sense of seeing people after a while and being startled by how much they've aged. I shudder at how wrecked I must look after two kids and a pandemic. The horror. The - horror.

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LOLOLOL There is always, always room for an AN quote. omg, and the weight gain. And I haven't been to a real hair solon in three years. I love the smell of perm solution in the morning.

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