Seeing as how my day job is in service to the federal beuraucracy, I really appreciate this post, Bev.

Calls to "drain the swamp" by replacing ranks of career civil servants with handfuls of political appointees lacking the requisite background and experience doesn't really serve the American people very well. Bureaucracy does, quite often, move slowly. But that's because "slow" is the speed of caution, which is important for the continuity of the critical tasks and services upon which our nation depends. As you correctly noted, the slow pace at which the government changes is actually a safeguard against the instability of political whiplash as administrations change every four years.

I'm with you...I'd really rather not have to think about such things every, single hour.

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I am wholeheartedly a bureaucrat. The cogs are what make the machine run. The Nazis radicalized the administration of the state and "drained the swamp" by kicking out all the Jews, and then it was just one giant rubber stamp for Hitler's whims. Huh.

But yeah, I really just want to open a screen without immediately seeing something about the presidency every freakin' second.

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Jul 25Liked by Bev Potter

I still am stirring stuff up, politically. A recent non-political channel on YouTube felt that it was time to expose what covers for psycho politics when the Jesus freaks start rolling coal down your nice rural street should they get back into office, yeah politics and Jesus with another epistle of truth and justice for the citizenry aka Project 2025. AAhhhhhhhh! <start pulling hair out here>

City Nerd post here:


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Project 2025 is becoming a cottage industry LOL

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You're so right. It *IS* like a classroom full of unruly kids with no meaningful supervision. Dinosaurs like me remember those things called "newspapers" that used to tell us what we needed to know about politics. The Internet turned every news-reporting outlet into a reality show. As long as they can keep us irate/scared/confused, they can haul in truckloads of money from advertisers that promise to cure all of our ills with the latest miracle prescription drug. We were taught to believe that the president was the leader of the country, but in reality the entire government is controlled by the armies of lobbyists, political action committees, and mega donors. Congress critters are paid less than a quarter million dollars a year, yet more than half of them are millionaires, owning multiple mansions. The elites own the government, the media, the banks, and almost all the corporations. The rest of us are dismissed as deplorables, living in Flyover country. We're now the weakest nation we've ever been. When the sleepers, that have come in with the 11 million or so uninvited guests, start waking up it's really going to hit the fan.

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I don’t want to think about the presidency either. But by putting someone so incapable as Kamala Harris out there as a possible president is a cause for genuine concern.

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Again, it literally makes almost no difference who is president, as long as it isn't an autocrat or a cult of personality. Would be my point. And I'd rather have a prosecutor as president than a defendant.

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