As I read about her stabbing both brothers, I thought, they were sexually abusing her. And the dad, of course. And the mom did nothing. This sick family dynamic is far too common.

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Yeah, and everyone around here acts like the boys were saints, and I’m thinking, “Yeah, no.” Something made her the way she was. People are so naive.

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Gruesome story, though superbly written. In small towns tragic events like these stay with the community for generations.

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I think this also happen in big towns too.

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All too true, sadly. In big towns I think people "expect" more crime, which makes it extra traumatic when it happens in small communities. The quotes from people in Highland Park yesterday are indicative. Of course these types of events are tragedies everywhere.

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I also was in a Cleveland prison with Teresa and I remember she was assigned to laundry duty, she was one of the few lifers there. She has a one man cell unlike the other women where it is four women to a cell... She was very quiet , she is definitely institutionalized and think she would most likely commit another crime or commit suicide that life is all she knows. I was in just briefly and have never and will never be back..she appears to be very sneaky as if she it's hard to explain but I definitely would not want to run into her outside of prison walls I pray that the family and the city of Lodi never has to go through with her getting out on parole...

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Sneaky is the right word. Her brothers were very popular, so of course that just made it worse. I think something is genetically wrong with her, but that’s true of a lot of people. I have more empathy for people in the criminal system than most. It’s a lot of bad choices, bad luck, and bad genes.

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Yeah, I hit like icon too. But really this is the depressing story of Mericka, so whether she hated or not and acted on that hate or not, may not be known exactly. Easily at age 14 hate is a learned emotional action, like learning anything at school hate is learned/taught through experience.

Power abuse inside the home can be the cause here, another tell tale trait of many American households, as I'm sure happens in other cultures too, inside family units. Environmental, parental, and patriarchal abuse are probably near the top of the causation list.

There are clear differential power relationships in many family homes that decay into families gone bad, for a lack of a more educated description.

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This triggered a couple of memories for me. In middle school there was a girl on my bus from a couple of houses down. She was the elder of two daughters in a hyper-religious family. I walked home with her a few times and she barely spoke two words. She also seemed to be very angry. At the time I chalked it up to my less-than-scintillating adolescent personality, but all these years later I suspect that she was being abused at home. They moved shortly after that. But the real story was a high school classmate that disappeared in our senior year. He returned that summer, coincident with the murder of his father. He was indicted, confessed, recanted, and wound up graduating and living a normal life with wife and family. I've sent the deets to your Gmail.

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