Chicken fried steak, mmm.

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Omg and the size 😂😂😂

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Bev, a size queen? 😳

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Lil bit LOL

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One of your best ones.

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Thanks, it's one of my favorites. It's amazing what I can do when I actually try LOL

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OMG, this - "Not the lining of a monkey’s skull braised with purple carrots." - reminds me of that scene from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" where Indi and that woman are sitting in the Mahrajah's palace and one of dinner items was monkey brains. Eerp! Also, I lurve Cracker Barrel and those rocking chairs! LOL

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I'm 99% certain that's where I got the monkey brains idea from LOL I always bought the stick candy and then hated it. Or the hoar hound cough drops ERP! lol

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BWAHA!! In that case... YASSSSSS! For movie references. Espesh Indian Jones. I lurve those movies.

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I'm getting a kick out of this cause I took Swiss in high school and speak it fluently

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Get out. LOLOL

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Good one! I’m still sad about the baby pandas and donkeys, tho.

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Yeah, the donkeys kinda tear me up. Not much of a life. The pandas are on their own.

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I’ve heard they can be pretty mean.

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I recommend the Grist Mill on the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels -- great food and next door to the Gruene Dance Hall, built in 1898.

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Clearly we must start a Go-Fund-Me for those poor starving baby pandas!

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I still don't understand building with bamboo. (A) the pandas need it and (B) it doesn't look that strong, right?? Isn't it actually a grass?? Like, please, let me build my floors out of grass.

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Actually, I think bamboo can grow pretty thick--and tall--which is why you really can build with it. LOL

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I obviously need to research it more. I'm basing all of my beliefs about bamboo from one scene in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

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BWAHA! Which is a great movie, btw.

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What ah laik bout muh restrant vittles is Big Food. N lots of’it. Ah’ll just waddle along now m’aam. ❤️

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