β€œCancer is boring. Everybody dies of cancer. I could have found that out for free on WebMD.” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Loved it all. Great post!

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Thank you!

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Yep…my results say I am .06% Ashkenzazi Jew…..I don’t think that’s correct as I really like the foods of the Sephardic Jews better. My biggest percentage is 96% English….such bland food….

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Everyone on my mom's side has red hair, so I always say I'm Irish in a desperate bid for excitement.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Bev Potter

Now now come on, you have been spawned from such great European white breeding stock, so you can be exceptionally proud.

Why here are just a few proud reasons:

Centuries of royal leaderships chronically several cards short of a full deck.

The glorious Holy Reformations helping spread the seeds whiteness into the Middle East.

Endless wars of conquest obtaining other’s white resources.

A couple of religious reformations.

Wholesale worldwide colonization of other non-white cultures.

The holocaust including many other genocides.

Endless wars of conquest obtaining more resources.

I obviously could go on and on with all the white bennies however I’ll end the list with, oh, I don’t know, hmm, Oh, how about England?


Now let's drop all this boring stuff and figure out who we know that

has red hair. Seriously, better red than dead.

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White bennies πŸ˜‚. Redheads have fewer hairs than anybody else. I mean, I can’t win.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Bev Potter

Yup, mine came back the same way. 100% white--so disappointing.

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All the food my people eat is so gross and bland LOL

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Sep 11, 2023Β·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Bev Potter

Couldn't help but share this here lol. It's the South Park DNA ancestry spoof. https://youtu.be/g5M7A5j5W7U?si=7qI5nmEaWfOBYI28

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omg, dying. And I thought I was being so original. "Hell fucking yes I'm in."

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Yea, it’s hilarious πŸ˜‚

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Wonderful piece.

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Now that I remember I wrote it, I really like it LOL

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