"The sauce it meant to hide the flavor of the thing you’re actually eating..." So, when they give me sauces with chicken at a fast-food restaurant, that's what it's meant to do?
I love tuna, but I'm still staring at the sardines. But yes, it's always good to have on hand when the global blackout happens, as it will. I'll have sardines and Goya pink beans, and honestly it will be better that I'm completely alone because you won't want to be around me after that.
"The sauce it meant to hide the flavor of the thing you’re actually eating..." So, when they give me sauces with chicken at a fast-food restaurant, that's what it's meant to do?
Now you make me sorry that I opened that can of sardines years ago. But I prefer anchovies, primarily on a pizza. Try them if you like salty pizzas.
I like salty everything. Maybe I should start with anchovies and work my way to the sardines. Like, the anchovies can be a gateway fish.
Oh no! Anchovies have to be the star!!
Not many people like anchovies, so I generally have to do without them, unless i have a pizza to myself.
I like the ones in olive oil and that are smoked :), I also like kippered snakes as well..delish
I think I might, fortunately, have a hard time finding kippered snakes.
I love the mad maxing across the sweltering hellscape with your can of sardines and chickpeas, and picturing people
chasing after you for them. I buy tuna like this, only I always eat it.
It's funny, unless you think about it for too long.
Then it's real. Time to build your underground emergency shelter.
I love tuna, but I'm still staring at the sardines. But yes, it's always good to have on hand when the global blackout happens, as it will. I'll have sardines and Goya pink beans, and honestly it will be better that I'm completely alone because you won't want to be around me after that.
probably not