Firsthand Accounts of Drone Sightings on Nextdoor
“I didn’t even know drones could look exactly like airplanes.”
Bob P.
I almost never look up, but since all these drone sightings hit the news, I looked up. And sure enough, there was a drone. I didn’t even know drones could look exactly like airplanes.
Anne S.
The drone I saw was as big as a car. I mean, it was pretty far away, so maybe it was as big as a cruise ship, once you factor in perspective. My cat, Agatha Hisstie, and I are watching a documentary about Leonardo Da Vinci on PBS. Did you know he invented perspective?
Amogy CEO Seonghoon Woo
If the police would give us back the drone that’s been sitting outside on the sidewalk for the last month after we all got hammered at a company party, that would be great. The post on Twitter with 3.4 million views of you guys holding it isn’t really doing anything to quell hysteria. But thank you for your service, I guess.
Dwayne W.
i saw a whole flock of them drones the other night when i was outside partaking of God’s herb since my wife won’t let me smoke in the house. i get the good stuff now with a medical card on account of my glaucoma instead of that skunk weed my cousin Darrell is always trying to sell me. if anybody wants his number, just private message me, also other things if you know what i mean. you have to tell us if your a cop.
Rebecca Weiner, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of counterterrorism and intelligence, at a briefing: “What we’ve seen over the past few days here in the city has actually been quite normal, frankly, in terms of the actual drone activity that we see every day… You have a really strong uptick in reporting but not a strong uptick in actual drone detection, which makes sense — all people are seeing on the news is drone sightings everywhere.” (emphasis added — as reported by Flynn Nichols in Newsweek)
Norm P.
The drones are controlled by Antifa. Wait, are we still talking about Antifa? What happened to Antifa? Well, darn. OK, they’re controlled by trans people, the gays, and Black authors who want to speak the truth about our nation’s history. Oh, and women.
Karen F.
Aliens. Pure and simple. And by “aliens” I mean illegal immigrants, of course.
Marshall Shepherd in Forbes:
We have seen this movie before. In 2020, ABC News reported on conspiracy theories spreading about drone “invasions” in Colorado and Nebraska. Others claimed it was just a case of mass hysteria. The technical term for “mass hysteria” is mass psychogenic illness (MPI). It is defined in the scholarly literature as collective anxiety cause by a perception of some type of threat even if there is not an obvious cause. Studies trace this phenomenon back to the 14th century. Gary Small wrote in Psychology Today, “When we face uncertainty, our minds crave explanations. If we have no way to account for symptoms, we feel out of control and our fear escalates.”
Topher A.
Funny how this happened in 2020, when everybody was upset about the election. And now it’s happening in 2024, when everybody is upset about the election….
Karen F.
Aliens. Pure and simple.
As I said, we kept pestering people to stop staring at their phones all day. They finally did, looked up, and discovered the skies were full of drones!