Common Vaccines Might Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Yet another reason to get the jab, Karen
I haven’t had the flu since 1999 — and believe me, I remember it. It was bad.
Since then, I get my flu shot religiously every year. And even with the hit-or-miss nature of the yearly formulation, I haven’t had the flu in 23 years, despite getting the flu every single year of my life before that.
Did I become superhuman, or is it the vaccine? I’m not going to stand in front of a train to find out.
When I went to work for the county, we’d line up at the administration building like gossipy sheep for a free jab.
Now I have to call around to find a pharmacy that offers a thimerosal (preservative)-free formula, since that’s the part of every vaccine that makes me wish for death. It probably bothers a lot of people and they don’t even know it.
Maybe that’s the source of the ignorant bleat that “the flu vaccine gave me the flu”.
No, Karen, it didn’t.
Now it turns out that many common vaccines might provide as much as a 27% reduction in your odds of getting Alzheimer’s disease.
There are benefits to getting vaccinated beyond just not getting the disease you’re being vaccinated against.
A study from UTHealth Houston has found that, possibly because of the way vaccines stimulate the immune system, people who get the shingles vaccine may see a 25% reduction in their lifetime Alzheimer’s risk, and people who get a pneumonia vaccine are 27% less likely to get the disease.
I have had all of the vaccines. My mom got shingles in her 60s. It was not good.
Shingles ain’t playin’, yo.
Shingles really is hiding out in almost all of us, waiting for its chance. The call is coming from inside your body.
Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays dormant in the body and can reactivate years later, causing shingles. 99% of adults 50 years of age and older in the United States are infected with the virus. —
I’m stunned and amazed by how many people I know who don’t get a flu shot, despite the fact that we work with the public and are regularly exposed to every germ on the planet.
And they all have stupid reasons. Remember the Swine Flu debacle of 1976? No?
Well, a lot of people do. The hysteria that swept the nation was similar to the outcry over the COVID vaccine.
There’s also the previously mentioned urban legend that the flu vaccine can give you the flu.
Yes, the flu vaccine can make you feel like crap, or it’s possible that you already had the virus which then reared its feverish head around the time you got the shot. But no, the vaccine cannot give you the flu.
I’ve also read that the truly ignorRant are questioning whether to give their dogs a rabies shot because of the COVID debate.
So, not only are cases of Alzheimer’s likely to skyrocket due to carbon emissions, wildfire smoke, and other forms of air pollution, we’re going to be chased around by rabid dogs.
That’s probably a better way to go. At least it’s quick, plus, dogs!
I get all the shots I can, every year, as soon as I can, because they are free.
Why wouldn’t EVERY senior and person on Medicare do that??
Thank you for the reminder to get the shingles vaccine, which I'm doing as soon as I recover from the dad gummed head cold.